Monday, December 31, 2007

Not Doing SOA can invite Lawsuites?

Very interesting perspective!

Why would someone do SOA?...Two reasons:

1. To make your IT environment simplified
2. To fuel growth initiatives using the Agile IT enabled by SOA

Now, what if the corporates who have implemented SOA are more profitable than the corporates who have not implemented?. The farmer will be able to deliver more value to stakeholders than later...

David Linthicum of Zapthink group has this very interesting insight into SOA Vs Shareholder Value in the InfoWorld.

I couldn't agree more to his point. The Days are not far where the corporates are audited not just for their financial controls and security procedures, but also for effective IT systems & enterprise architecture. And if the audit reports that a company's IT is ineffective, will the stakeholders keep quiet?

So, its time for corporates to question themselves...Whether SOA makes sense for them?

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